Wednesday 27 July 2016

Vijayanagar Empire...

 In 1336,vijayanagara kingdom was estb. By Harihara and bukka were two brothers and served in tge army of MUHAMMAD BIN TUGHLAQ.They estb.the capital city vijayanagara on the banks of river Tungabhadra in 1336.their dynastg was called the SANGAMA DYNASTY.Harihara and bukka were helped and inspired by contemporary scholar VIDYARANYA.
These two brothers established the city of vijayanagara on the banks o river Tungabhadra.

 The empire included from different cultural regions,the tamil,telugu and karnataka regions this belonged to different cultures.between 1336-1565,vijayanagara ruled by three dynasties-SANGAMA,Who ruled
in power till 1485,THE SALUVA who remained in power till 1503 and THE TULUVAS.the last dynasty was the ARAVIDU DYNASTY that ruled till 17th century.

...................TO BE CONTINUED..................

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